Casting The Right Supporting Players For Your HVAC System

29 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog


When it comes to maintaining a comfortable indoor living area, few things can have as dramatic an impact as your HVAC system. Your furnace or air conditioner may be the stars of your home's HVAC system, but every star needs a talented supporting cast in order to shine.

Here are three simple changes you can make to your home in order to ensure your HVAC system has the right support in place to function properly.

1. Make sure your thermostat is working properly.

If you want to maintain a constant and comfortable temperature inside your home, then it is essential that you have a working thermostat. The thermostat relays vital information regarding air temperature to your furnace or air conditioner, triggering these stars to begin generated heated or cooled air when needed.

To determine if your thermostat has gone bad, try raising or lowering the temperature setting (depending on the season) and monitoring to see if the furnace or air conditioner turn on. If the blower doesn't engage, it may be time to contact an HVAC specialist to replace your faulty thermostat so that your home's HVAC system can function properly.

2. Make sure your ducts are properly sealed.

Once your furnace or air conditioner generate the heated or cooled air your home needs to maintain a comfortable temperature, this air is delivered to various rooms via a system of air ducts. Over time, these ducts can sustain serious damage or become loose, allowing them to leak.

In a typical home, anywhere from 20% to 30% of the air moving through an HVAC system is lost as a result of leaking ducts. Be sure to have an HVAC specialist take a look at your home's ducts to determine if they need to be repaired or replaced in order to eliminate costly and inefficient air leaks from your HVAC system.

3. Check your home's insulation.

Another supporting player that can affect the performance of your HVAC system is the insulation installed in your home. Insulation is designed to help create an airtight seal that keeps heated and cooled air from escaping your home, allowing your HVAC system to run more efficiently.

Having an HVAC professional examine your home's insulation to determine if it needs to be upgraded is a simple and effective way to improve the performance of your home's HVAC system in the future.

Investing in some simple repairs like replacing a faulty thermostat, repairing leaky ducts, and replacing poor insulation can help you keep your home's HVAC system functioning properly.